Welcome EMR alumni, family and friends!

Sixty years ago, in 1957, EMR Telemetry Division migrated from Ridgefield, Connecticut to Sarasota, Florida which represented the dawn of a new era in aerospace and other yet-to-be developed products for space exploration, aeronautics and oil exploration.  One definition of telemetry is "the process of recording and transmitting the readings of an instrument."  Another is "to measure at a distance."  Typically these refer to equipment that is connected to each other without the use of a wire.  Thus transmitting.

EMR was a member of the International Telemetering Conference (ITC). EMR employees regularly provide articles/papers to ITC. These can be found at the ITC web page at UA. Enter "EMR" in the search box to see articles by EMR employees.

EMR (Electro-Mechanical Research) was to become, for a time, the largest employer in Sarasota County and it's products were a mystery to many in Sarasota. EMR was the number one telemetry manufacturer in the world, both in sales and quality.

Early on, EMR was heavily reliant on Government contracts to design and develop products.  When a new contract started, the company hired employees to fulfill the needs of the customer's contract.  When the contract was concluded, it sometimes required downsizing the employee level consistent with the current need.  Eventually the company learned to hire contactors for the length of a big contract to even out the ups and downs.

EMR not only built telemetry equipment, it also excelled in putting the equipment together to build a computerized system. Early projects included: Celoscope and Dyna-Soar. Systems for Fairchild Republic A-10, Boeing 747 and Gates Learjet were typical for the 70s. In the 80s systems were built for government ranges including Edwards AFB, White Sands Missile Range and China Lake. Besides the aerospace field, work was done for nuclear reactors, water monitoring, auto testing and weather.

In 1978, Schlumberger moved the Data Recorders Division to Sarasota from the Illinois Facility. In 1981 manufacturing of the Fairchild Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) was moved to Sarasota from Commack, NY.

EMR was well known to be the very best place to work in Sarasota County in terms of salaries and working conditions. Many employees that came from other companies said it was the best place they ever worked. 30th Anniversary Brochure

Aviation Recorders moves to St. Pete: L3 Leaves Sarasota

We welcome contributions in writing or images which will contribute to this site: mike@emr-telemetry.org
1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
EMR ASCOP Histroy and Facilities Pamphlet EMR-1970-1973 EMR-1980 EMR 1990 EMR-2000 Aviation Recorders
The Engineering Story at EMR EMR Capabilities and Facilities EMR 1974-1978 EMR-1981 EMR-1991 L3 Recorder History
EMR Sarasota Factory Floor 1   EMR-1982 EMR 1992  
Slide Show on film Factory Floor 2 Ambulance Telemetry 1970-03-13 EMR-1983 EMR 1993  
  4 Buildings Builing Expansion 1978 EMR-1984 ITC Show 1993
  EMR 1966-1969 1978 Wind Turbine EMR-1985 EMR 1994  
  NASA Skylab 1979-Almost-Anything-Goes EMR 1986 EMR 1995-1996 L-3 Picnic April 2007
      EMR 1987 30th Anniversary EMR 1997 - SW Eng EMR 2007
    Tri-fold brochure EMR 1988    
      EMR 1989 WSMR    
  Letter 1968-01-19        
  EMR shipper   1987 Plant   EMR-2013 Admin Bldg
        People and Events  
  Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees
  Han Napfel Hope Annis 76 retires globe Joe Keller 1994-Roger Mort Retires 2007 Sue Sutherland Retires
  Josephine Snyder Hope Annis 76 retires globe Carl Aquilino 1995 Dave Terrell 2014 H Napfel with recorder
  Len Zeiler     Lillian-Conway  
      1987 Telemetry Software Eng Mart Dismukes 2019-05-24 - Don and Dan
      1988-Marvin-Retires   2019-05-24 - Kathy Michelle and husband
          2019-05-24 - Ken and Paul
          2019-05-24 - Paul and wife Kathy and mother-in-law Angie

Last updated: 07-05-2021